Itineraries from Rocca S. Maria

From the Ceppo area and from Rocca Santa Maria it is possible to undertake various itineraries, practicable in all seasons and for all levels of training and age. You can reach the beauties of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, admiring, along the way, waterfalls, nature and breathtaking fauna. The more daring can undertake itineraries that reach the highest peaks of the Monti della Laga chain, such as Monte Gorzano, located at 2458 meters above sea level. For lovers of waterfalls, streams and lakes, the itineraries that from Ceppo lead to the Morricana Waterfalls, the Bear Lake and the Fosso della Cavata, are unforgettable and unique routes, and will allow you to admire places that will leave you without breath.

Seaside villages. From the mountains to the mild north coast of Abruzzo

Starting from Ceppo and passing through the SP49 state road, you can reach the magnificent seaside village of Martinsicuro …

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mare roseto

Roseto, Pineto and Silvi, an itinerary between nature reserves and crystal clear sea

From Ceppo via the SP48 state road we head east to visit the coastal towns further south …

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The streams and green hills of Val Vibrata.

From Ceppo it is possible to reach in just over an hour the beautiful valley of Val Vibrata, characterized by rivers …

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Discovering Teramo, Campli and Civitella del Tronto

in Rocca Santa Maria, following the SP48 road, we arrive in Teramo, a city of great historical and cultural beauty …

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An itinerary between Abruzzo and Marche

Starting from Rocca Santa Maria, and following the SP49 towards Ascoli we arrive at the beautiful village …

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